
How Long Does Food Stay In The Small Intestine


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equal, proper, human, dumbo, immune, sure Упражнение 6.Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

one. nutrient (п, a), nutritive, nutrition, nutritional; ii. to dissolve, solu­tion, soluble, insoluble, solvent; 3. to vary, variant, various, variable, variability; 4. bacterium, bacterial, bacteriology, bacteriologist; 5. (to) vomit, vomiting, vomitive; 6. to digest, to ingest, digestive, digestion

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Упражнение 7. Просмотрите текст А. Разделите текст на three части и озаг­лавьте их.

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: TextА

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The Digestive System and the Process of Digestion and Absorption

      1. The present text is given to explain the processes of digestion and absorption. The more than we know about them, the ameliorate nosotros shall under-


stand how important these processes are.

      1. Every cell of the man body requires certain chemical nutrients in the fluids that^ surround it. In order to supply these nutrients, the body must breai clown complex foods into molecules small enough to pass through tissues, enter the claret stream or lymphatic systems, and be delivered in a soluble form to the various body cells. This break of insoluble forms is known as digestion; the passage of such 'substances into the blood stream or lymph is known as assimilation.

      2. The human digestive tract is a long, muscular tube (up to 25 feet in length) that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. This tube consists of the oral crenel, throat, esophagus, small-scale intestine, and laige intestine.

      3. Several glands, located outside the digestive tract, are also import tant in the digestive process. Our tast is to draw them in particular.

These glands, known as accompaniment glands, are continued by ducts to the digestive tube. These accesory glands include the salivary glands,:

Food qnters the

Pancreatic juice


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Small intestine i

Big intestine




Feces leave the torso

Fig. nine.Pathway of food through the digestive tract.

liver, gall-bladder and the pancreas. Each gland produces secretions i hat function in the digestive process, and each is therefore function of the digestive arrangement. ,_/V с / ■ o( , t-f: i

      1. The procedure of digestion is due to the activity of many enzymes, chemicals, and concrete processes within the digestive tract. According to I he area in which digestion is carried on, these digestive processes may be classified equally salivary digestion, when occurring in the mouth; gastric di­gestion in the tummy; and abdominal digestion in the small intestine. In I he large intestine (the last section of the digestive tube) no digestion takes identify. Here h2o is absorbed, bacteria grow, and the unabsorbed solid-residue wastes of digestion collect and are excreted equally feces.

      2. The absorption means the passage of digested foods through the lining of the intestines into the claret or lymph. Practically all absorp­tion takes place in the pocket-sized intestine. A few drugs and alcohol are absorbed through the walls of the breadbasket, but no foods. Glucose is an exception, but it must be present in such high concentrations equally to cause airsickness. Furthermore, nosotros eat very niggling glucose, which is formed mainly in the small-scale intestine due to the action of the dissaccharide-splitting enzymes. Therefore, absorption of food does non normally oc­cur through the stomach walls.

seven. Water is absorbed throughout the length of the small-scale intestine and likewise, as has been noted, in the ascending limb of the colon. With nor­mal digestion, between 95 and 100 per cent of all carbohydrates, fats, and creature proteins are captivated. Plant proteins, such every bit beans or peas, are protected past the found cell membrane, and so that only 60 to seventy per cent are absorbed. The remaining 30 to forty per cent undergo bacterial de­composition in the intestine, which results in the germination of large amounts of abdominal gas («flatus»).

To study the pathway of food through digestive tract is very impor­tant for explanation of the process of digestion.

Упражнение eight. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Второй абзац переведи­те письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и про­чтите их.

1. How are nutrients supplied to the body? two. What processes are known as digestion and assimilation? iii. What exercise we phone call the parts of the digestive tube from the mouth up to the anus? 4. Is glucose captivated from the stomach or the small intestine? v. Water and drugs arc absorbed through the tummy walls, aren't they?

        1. Найдите в каждом абзаце предложения, выражающие основную мысль первого абзаца.

        2. Составьте письменно план текста А

Упражнение 9. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. soluble - decomposed, dissoluble, diluted, insoluble; 2. to include - to conclude, to exclude, to leave out; 3. solid — difficult, weak, soft, firm, soluble; 4. ascending - going up (down), descending, sitting downwardly

Упражнение 10. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функции инфинитива.

i. The present investigation is carried out to decide the liver func­tions in experimental dogs. 2. An endeavor was made to correlate metabo­lism with humidity, light, or average daily temperature. 3. Ane of the purposes of this work is to forbid the action of the dissaccharide-split- ting enzymes. 4. In order to ensure more than acceptable oxygenation the fluids bathing the mucose were recirculated. 5. From the curves of the blood ammonia concentration it is possible to obtain necessary data.

Упражнение xi. Определите в следующих предложениях конструкцию сравненияthe... the.Переведитепредложения.

ane. The greater amount of the substance was added to the nutrient, the more than significant change in iii or four experiments was produced. 2. The more specialized the beast is, the more differentiated its en­zymes become. 3. The more food with an appetizing odor you lot digest, the more digestive juices will be poured out. 4. The greater the differ­ence in temperature is, the more rapidly will heat be lost from the trunk. 5. The younger the individual is, the higher the caloric requirement — i.due east. the more nutrition is needed.

Упражнение 12. Переведите следующие предложения; определите функции словdue, dueto.

1. Jaundice is the yellow colour of skin sclerae and mucous mem­branes due to an increase of bilirubin in the plasma. 2. It was institute that during infusion oxygen consumption decreased, due to an increase in spirometer gas book. 3. The secondary rise in oxygen consumption in normal cats may exist due to the reconversion of lactic acid to glicogen in the liver. iv. It has been shown that the decrease in resistance across the breadbasket wall of the experimental domestic dog is due to a subtract in the resis­tance across the external muscle layers, 5. Physiologists have raised the question as to whether the rhythmic activity of the heart muscle is due to some rhythmic power located within the heart muscle fibre.

Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Пищеварительный тракт человека — это длинная мышечная трубка до 7,six м длиной. 2. В процессе пищеварения усваивается 95—100% углеводов, жиров и животных белков. 3. 30—40% белков распадаются под действием бактерий.

Часть 2

Слова к части II

find[зЬ'гз:у] vнаблюдать, заме­чать

observation [,obz9:'veiJn] п наблюде­ние

inordertoдля того, чтобы shape [Jeip] п форма visible[Vizibl]а видимый

thelatter [laeta] п последний (из двух

названных) swallow ['swolou]vглотать, прогла­тывать

sufficient [ss'fifsnt]а достаточный tuck [kan'strikt] vсокращать, сужать interfere [,int9'fi3] (with)vвмеши­ваться, мешать interferenceLints'fiarsns] nвмеша­тельство, интерференция orifice ['onfis] nотверстие constriction [kdn'strikjn] nсокраще­ние, сужение excise [ek'saiz] vвырезать, отрезать, удалять

excision [ek's^n] nудаление, иссе­чение

Упражнение 1. Отработайте чтение следующих слов, переведите их.

baruim sulphate, substance, procedure, human being, limited, peculiarly, re­sistance, contract, peristalsis, series, mix, axial, origin

Упражнение two. Напишите исходные слова к данным производным и переведите их.

movement, observation, constriction, shapeless, interference, tubu­lar, muscular, insufficient, digestion

Упражнение iii. Прочтите текстВ (10 мин). ane) Разделите текст на 4 части и назовите тему каждой из них. 2) Найдите в тексте предложения, где: а) инфинитив выполняет функцию подлежащего; б) обстоятельства; в) употребляются словаdue, dueto.three) Переведите эти предложения.

Text В

The Movements of the Stomach

It is advisable to written report the movements of the tum by directly obser­vation by means of the Ten-rays. In order to make the shape of the stom­ach visible the nutrient — bread and milk — is mixed with a quantity of barium sulphate. The presence of this substance does non interfere with the processes of digestion, but renders the gastric contents to the Ront- gen rays.

In the human tummy the term fundus is express to that function of the stomach situated above the cardiac orifice (in the erect position). The body of the stomach is marked off from tne pyloric part by the incisura angularis on the lesser curvature represented in many animals by a stiff «transverse band». The pyloric portion consists of the pyloric vestibule (or antrum) and the pyloric canal, the latter being a tubular portion with thick muscular walls virtually 3 cm in length, especially well marked in children. When nutrient has been swallowed (in the erect position) its weight is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the contracted gastric wall and some of it chop-chop passes to the pyloric office. The residuum stays in the torso of the tummy. Information technology is due to constant force per unit area on its contents, that is forced them towards the pylorus/ Peristalsis begins near at once, each constriction starting well-nigh the middle of the tummy, and deepening as information technology slowly progresses towards the pylorus. These waves succeed one an­other, so that the pyloric role may present a serial of constrictions. Their result is to force towards the pylorus the food which has been mixed with gastric juice. The longer the pylorus remains -closed the longer the food cannot escape and therefore is squeezed dorsum, forming an centric reflux stream towards the trunk. These contractions last throughout the whole menstruum of gastric digestion, and go more marked equally it gain. Due to their activeness a thorough mixture of nutrient and gastric juice results.

Movements of the stomach may be observed even on a tum which has been excised and placed in warm water-salt solution. They must therefore have their origin in the walls of the stomach itself.

Упражнение 5. Прочтите данные суждения. Найдите в тексте В предложе­ния, более полно выражающие мысль суждений, и прочтите их.

one. It is appropriate to study the movements of the stomach by means of X-rays. 2. The pyloric portion consists of the pyloric anteroom. 3. When food has been swallowed some of information technology passes to the pyloric part of the tum. four. Peristalsis begins near the center of the stomach. 5. The contractions last throughout the whole period of gastric digestion.

Часть 3

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 9

Упражнение 1. Найдите и переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию а) подлежащего; б) обстоятельства.

1. Тоrender surgical assistance, a surgeon should accept a lot of knowl­edge and skill. 2. It is difficult to analyse the natural movements of the tummy in the empty and full states. 3. Since all parts of the stomach are not in the aforementioned transverse position it is therefore almost impossible to speak of a normal position or shape of the stomach. 4. Enterokinase increases the activity of all ferments in the pancreatic juice but acts as a co-ferment to activate trypsin secreted in inactive class. 5. A calorie is the corporeality of oestrus required to raise a kilogram of h2o one caste Centigrade.

(Ответ:a) 2, iii; vi) 1, iv, five. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 25 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Найдите предложения с конструкцией сравненияthe... the.Переведитепредложения.

1. When a small-scale quantity of liquid is swallowed into the empty con­tracting tummy, the liquid passes at once into the antrum. 2. The sooner he finishes his experiment on mechanical activity of smooth mus­cle contraction, the sooner nosotros start a new one. iii. The emptying charge per unit of the stomach increases progressively from the onset of the completion of digestion. 4. The more high vitamin nutrition you try, the sooner you will recover. 5. The more appetizing smell the food has the more digestive juices will be poured.

(Ответ: two, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 4 Грамматичес­кого справочника.)

Упражнение 3. Найдите и переведите предложения с составным предлогом dueto.

ane. Pancreatic juice is a articulate element of group i secretion due to the presence of sodium bicarbonate. two. The gastric secretion begins with nutrient in the stomach due partly to mechanical distension, partly to chemic stimu­lation. three. Nervous mechanisms permit due communication betwixt widely separated portions of the gastro-intestinal tract. 4. The effect of stimulation of the splanchnic fretfulness is explained by the complication of asphyxia due to simultaneous vasoconstriction. 5. Disturbances of di­gestion may be due either to absenteeism of sure secretions or to their presence in insufficient amounts.

(Ответ: 1, 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 39 Граммати­ческого справочника.)

Упражнение 4. 1) Подберите к англо-американским единицам измерений соответствия в метрической системе.

1) inch, ii) foot, iii) ounce, 4) pound

  1. 28.35 г, 2) 453.59 г, 3) 2.54 см, 4) thirty.48 см

(Ответ: 1-3, 2-4, 3-one, iv-2.)

  1. Переведите в метрическую систему.

5 inches, 4 pounds, 25 feet, 3 ounces

Упражнение 5. Опишите процесс пищеварения, используя рис. 9.

Lesson x 4 127



    1. Инфинитив в функции определения (§ 25)

    2. Бессоюзные придаточные предложения: (§ 32)

    3. Функции и перевод словаfor(§ 37)

Часть I

Слова к части I

yield [ji:ld] vдавать (плоды, резуль­таты)

oxidation [pksi'deijn] п окисление repair[п'реэ] vисправлять; восста­навливать provide [prg'vaid] vснабжать, обес­печивать theformer[Ъ:тэ] а первый (из двух

названных) distribute [dis'tribjut] vраспределять equal ['i:kwsl] а равный equality [ik 'woliti] nравенство arable [^'bAndant]а обильный abundantlyadvобильно upset [Ap'gear up] vнарушать; расстраи­вать; опрокидывать make up one's mind [di'tamin] vопределять;

обусловливать; детерминировать essential [i'sen/1] а существенный, ва:жный


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания; скажите, чем выражено определение.

attempts to increment the endogenous iron; the observations to be described; capacity to clear blood ammonia; an assay based on; blood vessels sur­rounding the wall of the small intestine; the proteins to be captivated; protein diet; complex foods to be broken; obesity to be prevented; food absorption

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите: а) вид бессоюзных придаточных предложений; б) какой союз пропущен.

i. Studies in vivo we discuss here indicate that intestinal absorption is an important pathway to regulate the quantity of atomic number 26 in the body. 2. The methods we present here were modified and gave satisfactory re­producible results. three. Mechnikov idea ©Id age was brought on by the absorption of the products of the proteolytic group of organisms. 4. Nosotros know digestive enzyme of the stomach is pepsin. 5. I.P. Pavlov showed (hat the digestive juices period at the sight and particularly at the smell of lood.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения со словомfor.

1. For the assay of enzyme activity the animals were killed, the liver chop-chop removed, washed thoroughly with cold distilled h2o and placed in a beaker with cracked ice. 2.Protein is essential for growth and repair. 3. Heart pain persisted for one-half an hour and then we had to dial 03 for the doctor to come up. 4. The patient is to continue the bed, for his disease may affect the heart.

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

ane. oxide, to oxidize, oxidation, oxygen, to oxygenate; 2. to distribute, distribution, distributing; 3. equal, every bit, equality; 4. abundant, abun­dantly, affluence

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А и определите тему каждого абзаца.

Text АFoods

Foods are substances which when taken into the body yield energy on oxidation, build new tissue, repair erstwhile tissue and play an essential role in growth and nutrition. We know the oxidation of foods produces oestrus thus maintaining the body temperature and providing kinetic energy for piece of work. Supplying actual estrus and energy and leaving waste product materials behind the nutrient is «burned upwards» in combination with the oxygen to be furnished by the air nosotros breathe.

The overall limerick of the torso is virtually 59 per cent water, 18 per cent protein, 18 per cent fatty and 4,iii per cent minerals. At any time there is less than one per cent carbohydrate in the make-up of the body.

Scientists take studied the problem of food classification for many years. Foods are to be divided into two general classes. These are inorganic and organic foods. The erstwhile grade includes inorganic salts and water. The latter class includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins. There are accessory foodstuffs called vitamins which are essential to growth and liberty from deficiency diseases1.

Fig. position of food.

I'liese substances which make upwards the body are not distributed equally in sick organs. For case, the percentage of h2o varies from ninety—92 per cent in blood plasma to 72—78 per cent in muscles, 45 per cent in bone, ;md only 5 per cent in tooth enamel. Proteins are establish most abundant­ly in muscles. Fat is concentrated in the adipose (fatty) cells under the skin and around the intestines. Carbohydrates are constitute mainly in the liver, muscles and blood. Carbohydrates are known as the chief source of ener­gy. The absence of carbohydrates upsets the fat and protein metabolism. As for the minerals, high levels of calcium and phosphorus grade part of (he bones and teeth, sodium and chloride are plant mainly in the body fluids (claret plasma and lymph), potassium is the main mineral in mus­cles, atomic number 26 is essential to red blood cells, and magnesium is found through­out the body. These are the principal minerals to be supplied to the torso as food merely many other minerals are essential to the human being torso in propor­tionally smaller amounts. They likewise must be ingested with our food| Other types of nutrient (vitamins) needed in very small-scale amounts for diverse func­tions of the body are essential.

You lot make up one's mind how you will experience throughout each day by the type of breakfast you eat. Your breakfast establishes how readily your body tin can pro­duce energy that twenty-four hours or, more specifically, the corporeality of carbohydrate in your blood. Your energy production, which corresponds to the quantity of sugar available, determines how you retrieve, deed and feel. Energy is produced in your torso when sugar alone or saccharide and fat together are burned (oxidized).

It should be noted, sixty more nutrients are needed to build health. For example, cheese is an excellent source of poly peptide but is largely lacking in carbohydrate. Black currants provide a rich source of ascorbic acid though they brand little contribution to the calorie intake of the torso. Milk we usually use is regarded as the near excellent food, for it contains much poly peptide but little sugar.

Therefore, information technology is neccessary to select a well balanced diet containing all the essential nutritional substances to maintain wellness and to foreclose disease.


1. deficiency diseases авитаминоз

Упражнение half dozen. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзац 3 переведите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.

i. Does the oxidation of foods produce rut or energy? 2. How is the food burnt up? 3. What substance is the most abundant one in the body?

  1. What substances are present in the body? v. What is the percent of unlike substances in unlike organs?

three) Найдите в каждом абзаце предложение, выражающее основную мысль абзаца.

Упражнение 7. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, синонимичное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. to supply — to give, to furnish, to support, to provide; 2. to upset — to set, to disturb, to meliorate, to distress; 3. food — nourishment, foodstuff, provision; four. deficiency — need, luck, shortage, imperfection;

  1. to yield - to send, to give, to submit, to produce

Упражнение eight. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. the former - the last, the latest, the latter; two. general — detail, local, definite, in detail; 3. deficiency - efficacy, efficiency, efficient, effectiveness; 4. essential - unimportant, unnecessary, vital, dispensable

Упражнение nine. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, определите функции инфинитива.

ane. The most user-friendly approach to sympathise metabolism is to ex­amine the properties of unlike sorts of foods. 2. It is interesting to see the appliance used to determine the caloric value of different foodstuffs. 3. From the intestines glucose is absorbed and carried to the liver to be converted into a class of carbohydrate, glycogen or animal starch. iv. To reduce weight in an obese patient is an important trouble. 5. Fat yields nine calories of heat per gram instead of the four calories to be yielded by carbohydrate.

  1. Muscle fibres have the ability to store glycogen.

Упражнение 10. Переведите предложения с бессоюзными придаточными.

ane. Many substances the organism absorbs may be harmful, and many harmless substances may exist difficult for the organism to handle. 2. We know proteins are absolutely essential to the proper nourishment of the human body. 3. There is some evidence vitamin A plays a part to protect the torso against rickets. iv. Information technology is known vitamin Сoccurs abun­dantly in the juices of the citrus fruits, tomatoes, germinated seeds, cabbages, carrots, beans, apples, turnips, rutabagas, raspberries, liver. v. The carbohydrates animals most commonly ingest consist of a vari­ety of sugars.

Упражнение eleven. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функции словаfor.

i. The immature animals are practically porkilothermic at nascence and con- linue to be so for some days. 2. They could not translate the article for it was written in French. iii. Each organism establishes for itself a level of nitrogen metabolism which is modified only with difficulty. four. Carbo­hydrates and fats are food, substances which practice non incorporate nitrogen; they have high fuel value, then are able to serve for the production of heat.

Упражнение 12. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами for, equally, since, after, before.

1. ... it is unremarkably stated 1 of the master distinctions betwixt animals and plants lies in the fact that the animals depend upon highly organized foodstuffs ... their source of supply. 2. The protozoa are considered ... very primitive organisms, rudimentary ancestors of higher animals, ... they are unicellular. three. ... the discovery of streptomycin, a neat deal of data has been accumulated concerning its employ. four. Rats deprived of vitamin D ... 35 to forty days become unable to utilize their hind legs.

Упражнение xiii. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Продукты питания:, которые мы исцользуем, можно разде­лить на два общих класса. Это органические и неорганические вещества. 2. Дополнительные вещества, которые должны при­сутствовать в нашей диете, — это витамины. 3. Отсутствие или недостаток углеводов в организме нарушает жировой и белковый обмен.

Часть II

Слова к части II

cure [kju9] vвылечивать, излечивать reveal [ri'vi:fifty] vобнаруживать, от­крывать

conduct [kan'dAkt] vвести, прово­дить (исследование и т.д.)

proper['ргэрэ] а правильный, над­лежащий improperа неподходящий, непра­вильный improperlyadvнеправильно, неверно


Упражнение ane. Прочтите следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык.

actually, crystalline, substance, combination, essential, series, differ­ence, isolation, synthesis, diet, to produce, product, spinach, cream, capsule, calcium, poly peptide

Упражнение 2. Найдите в данном ряду слово, перевод которого дан в начале ряда. Переведитеданныеслова.

1. вылечивать — curare, curative, curable, cure; 2. источник — sour, south, resource, source; iii. проводить - conclude, deport, convey, convoy; 4. означать — means, significant, mean, main

Упражнение 3. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Выделите три основных момента, обсуждаемых в тексте по теме «Витамины». two) Найдите предло­жения, где: а) инфинитив выполняет функцию определения; б) употреб­ляется словоfor;в) бессоюзные придаточные предложения. iii) Переведи­тепредложения.

Text В

Vitamin means life. The story of vitamins actually begins in 1911, when a Polish pharmacist by the proper noun of Kazimir Punk extracted from rice polishingsone a crystalline substance. This substance was capable to cure beri-beri. Analyses of these crystals revealed the presence of nitrogen in basic combination, i.e. the «amino»-nitrogen; Punk therefore called this substance «vita-mine». The root «vita» indicates that the substance is essential to life and health. In this style, the discussion vitamin was born. For four years earlier Punk's discovery a series of studies had begun in the USA to make up one's mind the value of cereals such equally wheat, corn and oats equally a cattle diet. Eventually it was establish necessary to resort to rats to solve the problem of cereal differences.

I Today the successful isolation and synthesis of many of the substanc­es has proved that vitamins are organic chemic compounds to be present in the nutrition for the maintenance of^n&tlf and health.

Vitamins are substances to exist found in sure foods which are nec­essary for the growth, development and general wellness of the torso. There are several different kinds of these protective substances to be provided in the diet. To make sure our bodies become all the vitamins they need, it is best to include several different vitamin-containing foods in the nutrition. Such foods include milk and many of the products made from и, all the greenish leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, lettuce, other Iresh vegetables, fruit and fruit juices, whole-grained cereals, eggs and a number of others.f

When we plan a nutrition program for any person, immature and old, well and sick, we must know certain foods are the all-time sources each body requires.

  1. Vitamin A: fruits and vegetables, cream, butter or margarine, eggs and liver.

  2. The Вvitamins: yeast, liver, whole-grained breads and cereals, milk, meat.

  3. Vitamin C: orange or grapefruit juice, any fresh raw fruit or vege­tabular array, ascorbic acid tablets if needed.

  4. Vitamin D: fish-liver oil or vitamin-D capsule.

  5. Vitamin E: soy-edible bean oil, vegetables oils.

  6. Vitamin Grand: is produced by intestinal bacteria. The diet must be adequate in milk and unsaturated fatty acids and low in refined car­bohydrates; intestinal bacteria are increased by eating yogurt.

  7. Vitamin P (rutin): citrus fruits, especially lemons.

  8. Calcium: milk, yogurt.

  9. Phosphorus: milk, eggs, cheese, meat.

  10. Iron: liver, yeast, meat, bread and cereals.

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